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Just around the corner

Innsbruck, capital of the Alps

Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol, winter sports Mecca of the Alps and transport hub for travelers from east to west as well as from north to south. There is an international airport and a train station where all major trains stop. In and around the famous old town there are numerous internationally renowned festivals and cultural events,

world-famous sights, city tours, modern architecture, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, museums and galleries, shopping and a casino…
The small city is also known for its magnificent buildings from the imperial era, which meets modern architecture and structures.

Advent season Alpine Christmas

Traditional, romantic, modern, cozy, contemplative and also magical, the seven Christmas markets welcome visitors to the city during Advent. As different as they may be, they have one thing in common: with their magical Christmas atmosphere, they fuel the anticipation of Christmas Eve.

Sports venue & restaurant Bergisel Ski jump

It is not only the annual Four Hills Tournament that attracts numerous visitors and spectators to the Bergisel. Throughout the year, those with a head for heights can visit the ski jump tower or enjoy a delicious meal in the SKY restaurant with a view over the city.